Carnet de voyage, Bagdad 2019



This contribution is a commented portfolio of images gathered during fieldwork in Baghdad (February 2020). It aims to provide an overview the murals which have been concentrated on Tahrir Square since revolution October 2019. These share some iconographic topics common with thawra (revolution) Syria, Tunisia, Egypt and Beirut. Nevertheless, semantic registers are specific Iraq, divided into two main categories. The first one recreates “a city within city” (ville en abyme) through composite unrealistic real places known all; second relates martyrology Shiism, portraits historical imams, but also “martyrs” killed repression Autumn Contrary well-known official iconography 1958 Iraqi revolution, this new figurative expression that young population predominantly Shiite (due demography Iraq), it stems from cultural political substrate prone rebellion—that Hussein, long repressed by power. style often naive, at antipodes concomitant Beiruti street art, although crossing other globalized graphic codes. constitutes vibrant popular culture signals “Shiitization” public space. Beyond traditional divisions, finally proves federate, reaction iconoclasm Daesh corruption strikes daily life future millions citizens.

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عنوان ژورنال: Manazir journal

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2673-4354']